Our roots run deep as a human services agency...

Federated Charities has always offered direct assistance to individuals and families as part of our commitment to Frederick. Each program either focuses on working directly with other nonprofits to develop fundable and impactful programs of their own or deliberately engages the larger community in the charitable work of our partners. These programs often address areas in the safety net that may not be included in an organization’s budget but may make a real difference in someone’s life. Small change leads to big impact through programs like The Mitten Project, Community Table, Power of Change and Rapid Response Emergency Assistance grants.

You help support a safety net every day. Our programs are extensions of our mission to provide compassionate community services and strategic support to nonprofits in Frederick. They are part of the ongoing commitment that caring individuals made to Frederick and to you all those years ago.

our location

Federated Charities is the only nonprofit center in Frederick and offers affordable, operational space to emerging and established nonprofit organizations.  

Frederick Non Profit - Maryland