Submission Guidelines

You may use the Federated Charities website and forums for the sole purpose of sharing information with other users. You may not use the website to violate any applicable local, state, national, or international law.

You may use the Medical Equipment Marketplace to “freecycle” any durable medical equipment that you are no longer using. You should not expect nor request any payment from any other individual who you have contacted through this forum.

You are strictly prohibited from communicating on or through the Website any unlawful, harmful, offensive, threatening, abusive, libelous, harassing, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, profane, hateful, fraudulent, sexually explicit, racially, ethnically, or otherwise objectionable material of any sort, including, but not limited to, any material that encourages conduct that would constitute a criminal offense, give rise to civil liability, or otherwise violate any applicable local, state, national, or international law. The website Administrator reserves the right to remove any posts or topics at their discretion.

If you have any questions about the submission guidelines, please email


our location

Federated Charities is the only nonprofit center in Frederick and offers affordable, operational space to emerging and established nonprofit organizations.  

Frederick Non Profit - Maryland